Top tips for walking your dog this winter

Top Tips For Walking Your Dog This Winter

Written by: Roman Drew



Time to read 2 min

Winter has a way of transforming our world into a glistening wonderland, and there's no better way to experience its magic than with a furry friend by your side. However, the snowy season comes with its own unique set of considerations when it comes to walking your dog. In this blog, we're going to explore the top tips for walking your dog this winter, ensuring that both you and your canine companion have a safe and enjoyable time outdoors.

From dressing your dog appropriately for the weather to safeguarding their paws and adjusting the length of your walks, we've got you covered with practical advice to make your winter walks a delightful experience. So, lace up your boots, leash up your pup, and let's embark on a journey through the winter wonderland with our faithful companions.

Winter walks with your canine companion can be a magical experience, but they also come with their own set of challenges. To ensure both you and your pup enjoy the season safely, here are some top tips for walking your dog this winter:

1. Dress for the Weather:

  • Just like you, your dog can get cold too. Invest in a doggie coat or sweater to keep them warm, especially if they have short fur.

2. Protect Their Paws:

  • Snow and ice can be harsh on your dog's paws. Consider using dog boots or paw balm to prevent damage from salt, ice, and cold surfaces.

3. Adjust the Length of Walks:

  • Shorter days mean less daylight. Plan your walks during the daylight hours and be mindful of your dog's tolerance for cold temperatures.

4. Use Reflective Gear:

  • Visibility is reduced in winter. Attach reflective gear to your dog's collar or leash, and consider wearing reflective clothing yourself for added safety during evening walks.

5. Be Cautious with Ice:

  • Keep your dog away from frozen bodies of water, as ice thickness can vary and pose a danger. Stick to safe, designated areas.

6. Watch for Signs of Cold Stress:

  • Dogs are susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite. If your dog starts shivering, lifting their paws, or seems anxious, it's time to head back indoors.

7. Maintain Routine:

  • Stick to your regular walking routine. Dogs thrive on consistency, and it can help them adjust to the change in weather.

8. Plan Interactive Games:

  • If it's too cold for a long walk, engage your dog indoors with interactive toys and games to keep their mind active and prevent boredom.

9. Keep Leash Control:

  • Snow and ice can mask scents, making it harder for your dog to track. Maintain proper leash control and be mindful of wildlife in the area.

10. Dry Your Dog Thoroughly:

  • When you return home, make sure to dry your dog's coat and paws to prevent them from getting too cold or uncomfortable.

11. Stay Hydrated:

  • Your dog can get dehydrated in the cold, so ensure they have access to fresh water before and after your walk.

12. Be Aware of Road Conditions:

  • Roads can be slippery in winter. Watch out for oncoming traffic and keep your dog on a short leash.

By following these tips, you can make your winter walks enjoyable and safe for both you and your furry friend. Remember, every dog is different, so adjust your routine to match your dog's specific needs and comfort level.

Roman Drew 
RD Petz Store
Top tips for walking your dog this winter with visualization and a man is playing with dog